
Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is increasingly relevant to organizational development and developing people, as it provides a new way to understand and assess people’s behaviors, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and aptitude. Emotional Intelligence is an important factor in human resources planning; recruitment interviewing and selection, management development, customer relations and customer service.

Emotional intelligence has four parts: self-awareness, managing our emotions, empathy, and social skill. There are many tests of emotional intelligence, and most seem to show that women tend to have an edge over men when it comes to these basic skills for a happy and successful life. That edge may matter more than ever in the workplace, as more companies are starting to recognize the advantages of high EI when it comes to positions like sales, teams, and leadership.

In a Harvard Business Review article called Leadership That Gets Results, Daniel Goleman cites research which shows that up to 30% of a company’s financial results (as measured by key business performance indicators such as revenue growth, return on sales, efficiency and profitability) are determined by the climate of the organization. Goleman states that roughly 50-70% of how employees perceive their organization’s climate is attributable to the actions and behaviors of their leader.

A leader creates the environment that determines people’s moods at the office and their mood, in turn, affects their productivity and level of engagement. It seems that leaders don’t realize how significantly their behavior good or bad effects the organization. The boss shouts so everyone keeps out of the way and limits communication and then it’s their entire fault for not communicating!

At work, we refer to this type of behavior with statements such as: she can’t control her temper sometimes, but she is so brilliant. Or, He has an amazing mind, but he tends to shout at people when it’s stressful.

In my opinion, all employees should choose their boss and the organizations would be better for it. That’s how we run countries?!


Creating a Dashboard for Cyber Security

Dashboards select key metrics and force companies to standardize the measurement of those metrics across departments and business units. Additionally, they make more transparent if metrics at different organizational levels do not fit each other so that companies can easier recognize that employees at different organizational levels follow different goals. Doing so, marketing dashboards should assist within and across three major firm processes: understanding its market, planning and performance assessment.

Measuring and reporting on cybersecurity to the strategic level is not an easy task. Most existing security metrics focus on operational and technical aspects, while executives are demanding high-level, meaningful business-related information. In addition, the delegation of cybersecurity activities to local/regional security officers often results in non-standardized reporting, hindering, in turn, decision-making processes. The result may look simply but to deliver and successfully embed a reliable Cyber Security Dashboard requires skills and experience in many diverse areas, during each of the development phases. A strategic approach to the definition of a Cyber Security Dashboard helps to steer on key focus areas, create situational awareness, standardize reporting practices, align cybersecurity with the business and improve the control over cybersecurity activities. The CIO-CMO relationship is vital in today’s technology-driven marketplace because a great deal of digital innovation is around customer engagement, the domain of the CMO. Yet, the CIO must be involved in strategic planning, architecture, vendor interaction and execution of customer initiatives to integrate information, business processes and systems. The bottom line is that the two need to join forces to reach the always-on state those customers, employees, and business partners demand. But, shifts in the dissemination of technology dollars are prompting perpetual turf battles. Technology budgets today are no longer solely the domain of the CIO. In many cases, the CMO controls the purse strings, as only about half (53%) of IT spending is accounted for in the CIO’s budget. And one-fifth (20%) of companies said that 20% or more of the company’s overall technology spending occurred in the marketing department. (Curran. C 2014).

The battle over budgets is leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of CIOs and it’s giving CMOs a false sense of control. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter who does the shopping. Both the CMO and the CIO need to be involved in strategy, innovation, integration and execution.

Aligning security management to business performance CPM is a global cross-standard application, created with all the advantages of a multi-tiered approach, offering a rigorous cycle of risk identification and management. It provides the organization with a practical future-focused outlook to help you anticipate new challenges from emerging technologies and business trends. CPM ties security management to business performance through better alignment to your strategic objectives by helping organizations to:

Identify the real risks

Protect what matters most

Sustain an enterprise program

Optimize for business performance

Increase readiness, scalability and flexibility Cyber Security Assessments are of special interest to the C-suite and audit committees of companies that: are unsure of their current risk exposure; are growing their cybersecurity team and are interested from a fresh perspective on how their current capabilities compare to others in their peer group and are interested in investing in cybersecurity but are in need of project and spend prioritization. It can also provide invaluable insights to organizations that have recently experienced a public or private breach resulting in data loss, reputation damage and brand impairment.

Modern cyber resilience is based on threat intelligence. The better and organization understands its threat environment, the better it can prepare and respond to it. Threats in the cyber landscape include nations, activists, organized crime, the competition and the organization’s insiders, amongst others. By gathering and analyzing data from internal and external sources, and identifying their implications in your own environment, it is possible to obtain an overview of a general threat level that can be used as a point of reference

The relevant dashboard must focus on developing a measures and metrics program that serves core business objectives, supports proactive risk management and enables real assessment of the effectiveness and value of security programs and processes.